About us

Dolphin [PG] College

Dolphin (PG) College Excellence in Paramedical and Life Sciences started functioning on 2006. The college is sponsored by the Yuva Education Society- New Delhi. It has grown to its Present stature under the able and dynamic leadership of Chairman Dr. VINOD MITTAL. DOLPHIN (PG) COLLEGE is an independent, coeducational,premier institution provides opportunities to the student community to make mark as Excellence in Paramedical and Life Sciences professionals and to transform globalize their personalities. Currently the College offers 18, Post Graduate and Under Graduate and New Courses 2023-24 in the field of Excellence in Paramedical and Life Sciences

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Agriculture college in Chandigarh
Top MSC Chemistry Colleges in India
Agriculture college in Chandigarh
Top MSC Chemistry Colleges in India

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Best agriculture college in Chandigarh

Admissions 2023-24
Admissions Opens for session 2023-24. Students from all the states are welcomed to be the part of our prestigious College.
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Campus Life
At Dolphin College there are separate accommodation for boys and girls, which varies from double occupancy to four in a.…
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Dolphin has ambitious plans to prepare students for global markets demands, nurture them and hone their skills for…
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Best agriculture college in Chandigarh

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Best agriculture college in Chandigarh
Best Agriculture college in Chandigarh

National level Competition for Agriculture Student

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Top Agriculture college in Chandigarh

International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research

05 Nov 2019
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Agriculture college in Chandigarh

Seminar on skill development and diversified farming Pattterns in Punjab

05 Nov 2019
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Best agriculture college in Chandigarh


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M. Sc. Chemistry

M. Sc. Chemistry

Chemistry is the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the…

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MSc Zoology

MSc Zoology

Facts about animals have become so numerous, and so many aspects of animal life have been uncovered that zoology has diversified into …

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Bsc Optometry

Bsc Optometry

Bachelor of Optometry is an undergraduate program concerning eye care. Optometry is the science of eye care including …

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B Sc Medical lab Science

B Sc Medical lab Science

Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science also called Clinical Laboratory Science is concerned with the diagnosis treatment …

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Strong International Internship and Placement Focus

Best agriculture college in Chandigarh

Dolphin pg college of science and agriculture is first college in Punjab to provide international internship and placement program specifically in field of diary , agriculture, horticulture and floriculture.
Program taught in English by local and international faculty,student exchanges from partner universities all over the world, international research co-operation, dual-degree and twinning program development by international faculty exchange; all of these are key features of Dolphin PG College of science and agriculture.

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dMr. Gourav

Mr. Pardeep

Ms. Ankita rani

Ms. Arubam Mona

Mr. Alok singh

Ms. Ramandeep kaur

Mr. David jevin

Ms. Tai Mamu


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Best agriculture college in Chandigarh
[eikra-vc-text-title title=””]Israel Internship Program

‘On the job’ practical training: Learn the technologies and methods in intensive modern agriculture through the farmers/ diary owners.

Classroom sessions in Agricultural colleges/training centers for overall knowledge of Israel agriculture.

  • Practical Experience, Acquire new skills through day-to-day hands-on experiences in agriculture, horticulture, and related fields.
  • Trainees and Interns have the oppourtunity to live in a different culture.
  • Exposed to a variety of technologies, skill building experiences, and other relevant activities in order to further their knowledge and interests.
  • Participants are placed with approved and qualified Host Trainers. (Farmers)?


Best agriculture college in Chandigarh
[eikra-vc-text-title title=””]USA Internship Program

Training would be provided in various field like

  • Dairy
  • Floriculture
  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture


Agriculture college in Chandigarh
[eikra-vc-text-title title=””]Denmark Dairy Work Experience Program

Training would be provided in various field like

  • Dairy
  • Horticulture


Agriculture college in Chandigarh
[eikra-vc-text-title title=””]Netherlands Horticulture Work Experience Program

The Dutch Horticulture sector is a global trendsetter and the undisputed international market leader in flowers, plants, bulbs and propagation material.
Holland has a 44% share of the worldwide trade in floricultural products, making it the dominant global supplier of flowers and flower products. Some 77% of all flower bulbs traded worldwide come from the Netherlands, the majority of which are Tulips. 40% of the trade in 2015 was cut flowers and flower buds.
The sector is the Number 1 exporter to the world for live trees, plants, bulbs, roots and cut flowers. The sector is the Number 3 exporter in nutritional horticulture products.
Of the approximately 1,800 new plant varieties that enter the European market each year, 65% originate in the Netherlands. In addition, Dutch breeders account for more than 35% of all applications for community plant variety rights.
The Dutch are one of the world’s largest exporters of seeds: the exports of seeds amounted to € 3.1 billion in 2014.
In 2014 the Netherlands was the world’s second-largest exporter (in value) of fresh vegetables. The Netherlands exported vegetables with a market value of € 7 billion.[/eikra-vc-text-title]

Agriculture college in Chandigarh
[eikra-vc-text-title title=””]United Arab Emirates (Dubai) – Aeroponics Work Experience Program

In spite of its dry desert climate, in UAE, there are farms in the country where these leafy vegetables are successfully being grown, although the methods used are often far removed from traditional agriculture.
The cultivation technologies being used are hydroponics and aeroponics, techniques that involve growing crops without water or soil, and the plants instead of securing the nutrients they need from special solutions.
Up to 95% of the water is saved in comparison to soil-based farming.
Up 90% space is saved with the aeroponic tower systems.
With aeroponics, the roots are simply hanging in the air, and have 100% oxygen availability.
35%-50% crop yield increase through Aeroponics in comparison to conventional farming.[/eikra-vc-text-title]


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Best agriculture college in Chandigarh

Our Placements

Best agriculture college in Chandigarh

Dolphin College of agriculture and sciences best private college in India and in Student placements. The Placement cell facilitates the process of placement of students passing out from our college in various prestigious organisations. The goal is to acheive 100% placement. To provide emploayablity skills to all the students and to plan and implement Integrated Personality Development right from 1st Year onwards. The cell acts as an interface between the industry and the students, and primarily enables the students to select from their career options. The college placement cell is dedicated in liasioning with companies of repute. The cell provided placement assistance, counseling for employment and self/social enterpreneaurship to students and also ensures logistic support to visiting companies at every stage of the placement process by making college infrastructure available to them.