College Offers Scholarship to the students in the following categories
Early Seat Reservations (ESR) Scholarships-
Admissions open in the college in the month of June each year and classes starts in the month of July . The students who register their seats in the college for admission to pursue the course can avail the benefit of this scholar ships . College offers scholarships as per schedule below if student register seat for admission in new course before the month of June.
Single Girl Child(SGC) Scholorship
Single girl child will get a scholorship of 25% per year in tution fee.However an affidavit is to be procedded supporting the single girl child.
Documents Required
i) Affidavit by parents.
Rural area resident (RAR) Scholorship
Those students,who have completed there studies continuosly from class 1st upto class 12th from a village/rural area schoolo,can get 10% scholorship per year in tution fee.How ever on prescribed format(as attached in prospectus).The students has to deposit rural area certificated from Headmasters/Principal of school/College counter signed by Tehsildar
Documents Required
Rural area certificate by Principal of school/College counter signed by Tehsildar/Sub-District Magistrate/District Magistrate.
Economically weaker section (EWS) scholarship
The students whose partents total annual income is below 1.0lac those studen gets scholarship od 20% per year in tution fee . However student has to deposit income certificate of parents along with the affdavit by parents .This sholarship will be given to maximum of 15% seats of the concerned class on first come first serve basis.
Documents Required
i) Income Certificate of parents
ii) Affidavit by parents
Protsahan Scholorship(PS)
The student whose father has demise due to unfortunate event and mother does not has regular income source,the student can get 25% of scholarship per year in tution fee.
Documents Required
i) Affidavit by Mother
Brilliant Student Scholorship(BSS)
The student who scores marks in qualifying exams as detail below can avail scholarship at the time of admission accordingly:
Gold Medalist in Qualifying Exam of Boards/University | 50% Scholoarship in 1st year Tution Fee |
Secured Marks in Qualifying Examination (>90%) | 40% Scholoarship in 1st year Tution Fee |
Secured Marks in Qualifying Examination (>80%) | 30% Scholoarship in 1st year Tution Fee |
Secured Marks in Qualifying Examination (>75%) | 20% Scholoarship in 1st year Tution Fee |