BSc operation theater salary in India – Need to know about the future career prospects available after BSc Operation Theater Technology? What is a BSc operation theater salary in India? B.Sc Operation Theater Technology course is a 3-year undergraduate program that cannot be opted for long after the 12th or completion of the same. Students aspiring to join this course should focus on any one of the three subjects related to Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Zoology, and Botany in their 12th or equivalent. Operation Theater Technology is one of the new and upcoming areas of interest in the field of medicine.

BSc operation theater salary in India

Operation Theater Technology has recently acquired some degree of importance and has apparently expanded the pre-requisite for the talented specialists here. As the actual name indicates, the Operation Theater Technology course deals with the total services of Operation Theater in Medical Clinics. In this article, we will know what is the scope of the future of BSc operation theater and how much salary can be received.

What is the role of operation theatre technology?

The primary job of an operation theater technologist is to help the specialists in the operation theatre. They are ready to deal with the equipment in the operation theatre. They are able to read and record the readings shown on the machines during the medical procedure and immediately make necessary changes as per the needs of the patients under the supervision of specialists. Operation Theater Technologists are prepared to deal with patients in the Operation Theater and are also expected to focus on the overall utility of the Operation Theater. 

Students of BSc Operation Theater Technology must have high stamina and skills; They assist specialists during tasks with careful equipment, they are important for handling drugs, sedative gases, dyes, and cleaning projections through the healing process. Their essential job is to help specialists, trained professionals, anesthesiologists, and attendants. They are fundamentally responsible for maintaining the etiquette and ethics of operation theaters in medical clinics.

Job Roles available after B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology

Operation Theater is a profession in technology that spans many open positions in the field of medicine. The popular extension to talented Operation Theater technologists is of late. Students can get into various working jobs shortly after the completion of a BSc in Operation Theater Technology.

Anaesthesia Consultant:- The fundamental responsibility of the sedation consultant is to give the correct dosage instructions regarding the dosage and level of sedation for the patients who are undergoing the medical procedure. He is able to give specific measurements of sedation for patients and must be extraordinarily cautious in making decisions about the patient’s needs. Even a slight mixture may cause casualties and in some cases may not result in death.

Associate Consultant: The associate Consultant provides types of support to patients who are going through a medical procedure. They are careful to give legitimate directions about surgery to the patients. They are able to keep patients calm during the healing process. They are also aware to wake up the patients and help them to allay their apprehensions about the medical procedure. They are also careful to take care of the injury when there is a crisis situation.

Operation Theater Technician: Operation Theater Technician is able to assist specialists during the medical process. They are able to keep careful equipment safe and clean. They are modelled on the strategies of sterilization of instruments. They should carefully arrange the hardware according to the medical procedure. Equipment changes from medical procedures to medical procedures, so it is imperative to have all the necessary careful equipment ready to apply to the medical procedure. They are also expected to keep the instruments spotless and clean and to protect them from any disease from the sick to the sick.

Career Scope for the Operation Theatre Technologists

BSc Operation Theater Technology students primarily focus on government emergency clinics, confidential medical clinics, super-specialty clinics, multi-specialty clinics, local area medical care communities, nursing homes, and many times repairs. They mainly help in overseeing the operation of theaters and wards. Operation Theater Technology course is an amalgamation of incredible skills, abilities, and most importantly the ethics of Operation Theater. 

Operation theater technologists are responsible for being careful and alert. Technologists are responsible for the care of care equipment. Operation theater technologists have various fields of utility and are not restricted to any particular area of ​​medicine. BSc Operation Theater Innovation is of interest to students wherever medical procedures are directed. The area in which Operation Theater Technology students are needed is:

  • General Surgery
  • Dental Surgery
  • Gynecology Surgery
  • Heart Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Ophthalmic Surgery
  • Nephrology Surgery
  • Gastrointestinal Surgery

Salary Package after B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology

Recruited BSc Operation Theater Technology students are generally employed in government emergency clinics, confidential emergency clinics, multi-specialty medical clinics, super-specialty medical clinics, local area medical care communities, nursing homes, health centers, etc. The typical compensation package for B.Sc Operation Theater Technology Studies varies from 4 lakhs to 8 lakhs every year. The fresher will effectively get around 3.5 lakhs per annum and the compensation will extend as indicated by the abilities and experience gained in the course of their business.


The BSc Operation Theater Technology course prepares students to consider surgery thoroughly. Operative theater technologists are associates as well as managers and are responsible for maintaining the set of principles valid in activity theatre. The BSc Operation Theater Technology course is a blend of work and great relational abilities. Thus this field is very difficult and provides great learning experiences. Interest is increasing step by step for talented students of operation theater who are excited about operation theater technology

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